“A Live TV Broadcast” is a series of live-edited TV programs for Offener Kanal Kassel, as part of Joen Vedel’s contribution to dOCUMENTA 15, created in collaboration with Streetbolzer and participants of Offener Kanal’s media literacy program, as well as musicians from the Kassel ecosystem.
The fourth program was made live on September 9th., mixing live-cameras from the streets of Kassel and the TV studio with archival material from the DOCUMENTA archive, as well as footage shot in the days prior to the opening.
This program was done in collaboration with:
Eva La Cour, Yana Mikhalina, Jörg Ruckel, Christina Ecknigk, Robin Pach, Felix Knauf and participants from Streetbolzer and Offener Kanal Kassel.