Lumbung Members : Lumbung Kios Working Group
22 June 2021
Topic : Update The Discussion on Lumbung Kios with documenta GgmbH
Keys Topic Discussion :
– How the lumbung kios will works for during 100 days, locally , and beyond d15?
Documenta has their own regulation.They couldn’t selling because they don’t have license due to non-profit organization status. So They need merchandise agency to distributing the stuffs. There is Avant Garde which is for the selling & distribution Provider that documenta currently working with. They cooperate with many producers, one of them is Meela Wear to make official d15 merchandise, specially on textiles. The design of Merchandise . Mella wear will produce official documenta 15. They concern on fashion sustainability.The details will be shared by ajeng tomorrow.
– How we can do with lumbung kios?
Lumbung kios could make designs for several textile items. Each lumbung member who is interested could submit the design and we can choose and decide amounts (mostly a large scale) will be produced through the Majelis. Avant Garde will buy the design and they usually produce in massive amounts such as around 10.000 items. But, The products will be sold on site and for Kassel only (or maybe europe). We have made a discussion about a contract on Merchandise Production with Lumbung Members.
We want to propose for each Lumbung Member that they could also produce the same item in locally. Beside that Lumbung Members still can bring the existing stuffs with Feral Trade methode (smuggling)
– Showing the Lumbung Kios stuffs on website
We have 3 websites : documenta 15, lumbung[dot]pace, and ruruhaus website. Lumbung kios have a slot in documenta 15 website during 2022 but all the information will be moved to lumbung[dot]space afterwards.
– Lumbung Gallery
Lumbung gallery is a space for sale of artworks (the translation in Kassel) that are produced by Lumbung Members and Lumbung Artists. We need to discuss soon with people who focus on these matters.
– Seed money for lumbung kios
Unfortunately, the idea of seed money for lumbung kios not accepted by documenta GgmbH. But, we can propose the production cost from the lumbung pot for Lumbung Members selected design that approved by Avant Garde
Question :
– Kym (Wajukuu Arts Project) :
Q: Is the idea of Lumbung Gallery the same as a Lumbung Kios that will also sell the artwork that we discussed at our last meeting?
It’s different. The term of artworks in Lumbung Gallery have to be related with Lumbung Members or Lumbung Artist d15’s project d15 (the translation). It will be run after 2022. So, it is very important to make a list of what kinds of products that will be sold during 100 days and after d15.
– Fernando (MaMa)
Q: Do you say you have budget production from seed money?
They can’t afford another allocation budget for Lumbung Kios merchandise production and offering to produce in Kassel with the vendor that documenta working with. The profit will be directed to lumbung members and lumbung pot.The money that gets into collective pot can be used to produce locally.
Q :Here is Canao a sugar cane local drink are local, organic, and handmade by woman. It is part of Colombian culture.
We will discuss products based on food and liquid but so far more into textile products . We can put the list first of the products and try to find a way to sell those kinds of food and liquid products.
Now we are preparing for 100 days and trying to exchange the stuff. We will continue the process beyond 2022.
Ideas for Action :
- Iswanto will make the scheme or flow on the design that will produce in Kassel for 100 days, and Ajeng will make a draft for Newsletter of The Day and coming up about Lumbung Kios
- Looking for and discuss with person who focus on artworks selling in related to Lumbung Gallery and also for the Feral Trade
- Put the list first of the products and try to find a way to sell those kinds of food and liquid products.
- Fill the Product list for selling in 100 days, and in your local. From that , we can see what kinds of products will be selling.
P.s : Shellda from Gudskul already sent the Lumbung Kios logos on Google Drive and Whatsapp Group. Please choose the logo that you are interested in!