Just Rolllllll by lumbung artist Nhà Sàn Collective is a competition of rolling with unexpected criteria. Roll your way with food, tobacco, humor, and love. Participants can bring edible ingredients to join the rolling and win something.
The Nhà Sàn Collective, together with invited artists, is organizing a public program at documenta fifteen with a performative, participatory work in the spirit of the practice of lumbung. By fusing Asian cuisine and music from around the world, the project aims to create a sense of community and belonging.
The event is organized by ba-bau AIR and Gudskul as part of the artistic contribution to documenta fifteen by Nhà Sàn Collective and Gudskul, together with invited artists (see guests).
Kyu Sang Lee
Tianxu Liu
Alyssa Tingyu Wu
Satsuki Imai
Hananingsih Widhiasri
Gudkitchen (Backyard)
Friedrichsplatz 18, 34117 Kassel
1. SIWAWA SPRING ROLLS — Si Wa Wa also known as vegetarian spring rolls, special snacks in Guiyang, China, use very thin rice pancake,wrap in radish,fried soy beans etc. Dip with sour chilli sauce. Because of the shape is like a baby wrapped in a quilt,so named Si WaWa(baby), Si wa wa Rolls is a kind of typical Chinese snack roll; Alyssa & Pho guided participant how to roll Si wa wa Rolls properly and correctly. You can roll up some variety of vegetables, such as cucumber, cabbage, zucchini, carrots, peanuts, tomatoes, assorted beans, also spaghetti, but you can choose. The happiness part is after we finished the roll we can eat it immediately.
**It’s like rolling goodness, and planting it in our bodies that need good energy.
2. HUMAN SUSHI — Human Shusi is a game or challenge of rolling your friends into sushi. It’s a lot of fun, because you’ll feel like you’re sushi for a while, but itsn’t food experiments. They use alternative way to change the foods by pillow and another unsolid stuff.
Somebody was joined as the co-host strips down to his underwear, Rhett covers his partner in all the essential ingredients that go inside a sushi roll as well as complimentary condiments. The foods dumped on human sushi roll includes rice, cucumbers, avocados, wasabi, ginger, spicy mayo, crab meat, soy sauce, (imitate by pillow) all while he lays on top a customized nori bed.
They then proceed to roll, and all the ingredients, together into a sushi roll. Needless to say, it looked extremely painful, but its not. They make it very safety to use.
this challenge can take 15 minutes to play (5 minutes of rolling + 10 minutes of laughing)
3. LUMBUNG CIGARETTE — Why was the Lumbung Cigarrete?, to resolve the smoking needs of artists, and our colleagues around documenta fifteen, Kevin Gudskul took the initiative to make Lumbung Cigarette Rolls. He invites visitors who come to the Rolling Competition to roll as many kretek cigarettes as possible, which are typical and commonly practiced by Indonesian or Asian youth.
He also taught how to roll kretek cigarettes quickly without the help of rolling tools, aka pure handmade. What are kretek cigarettes? Kretek cigarettes are cigarettes with or without filters that use chopped tobacco. This type of cigarette is also mixed with chopped cloves and rolled up with cigarette paper. This object usually has a distinctive odor and a “kretek-kretek” sound from the burning of cloves. This cigarette has been produced since the 19th century and at this time kretek cigarettes are the most widely smoked cigarettes in Indonesia.
The collected kretek cigarettes will be put into a container, which will later be used as a Lumbung Cigarette, meaning a stock of cigarettes for all.