Scroll down and click on the tab “Public Signatories” if you wish to add your name to the list

Dear Christian Geselle, Angela Dorn, Susanne Völker, Claudia Roth, the Supervisory Board and the Shareholders of documenta,
We are angry, we are sad, we are tired, we are united.
We have tried our best to stay above the chaos, hostility, racism and censorship that have engulfed this edition of documenta. We have tried our best to stay focused and committed to our work and the promises and hopes of the lumbung. We have been resilient and in solidarity with our communities, friends, supporters, hosts and guests.
Today’s press release published here refers to a broader preliminary assessment. We have seen this preliminary report of the scientific advisory panel.
This report represents a new line crossed, and we categorically refuse it: This line marks a racist drift in a pernicious structure of censorship. The scientific advisory panel, appointed by the Supervisory Board of Documenta gGmbH in August 2022, has developed their preliminary findings1. In addition to myriad and problematic accusations, the report argues that “[…] the serious problems of documenta fifteen consist not only in the presentation of isolated works with anti-Semitic imagery and statements, but also in a curatorial and organisational structural environment that has allowed an anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli mood to prevail.”2
Because we stand by our rejection of censorship, we vigorously opposed the creation of this scientific advisory panel. We do not accept the allegations of their preliminary report, which unashamedly reproduce poorly researched claims from the media; likewise, the report lacks scientific proof, academic references, rigorous argumentation and integrity.
For months we have continuously faced smearing attacks, humiliations, vandalism, and threats in major media outlets, as well as in the streets and in our spaces. What is even scarier is the normalized dismissal of these actions. We have detailed these experiences in our previous statements and this has been completely ignored by the Supervisory Board of Documenta gGmbH.3
In this hostile environment, actors with a coordinated agenda have been determined to find any indication of pre-assumed “guilt,” twisting any critical detail into a simplistic anti-Semitic reading and repeating the same accusation again and again until it became accepted as fact. It is obvious to us that the same mechanism of passing the ball from cyberbullies and racist bloggers to mainstream media outlets to racist attackers on the ground to politicians and even to academics is being reproduced in each situation. It has clearly informed the mechanics of the “scientific” advisory panel.
We know what it means to be discriminated against due to color, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality, origin, caste, and/or disability. We understand the ways that our different anti-colonial struggles intersect. And that these struggles are faced in everyday life in society at large. We are committed to art’s role in resisting these broader societal injustices. And in the context of documenta fifteen and the specificities of the German context we see that the targeting of Palestinian artists is the point at which our anti-colonial struggles meet, and have become a focal point for attack. Anti-Muslim, anti-Palestinian racism, anti-queer, transphobia, anti-Roma, abelism, casteism, anti-black, xenophobia and other forms of racisms are racisms that the German society must deal with in addition to anti-Semitism.
We are outraged, we are exhausted, and we will call things by their names.
The preliminary report refers to the International Holocaust Rememberance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism.4 By using this deeply problematic definition, which allows for the conflation of criticism of the State of Israel and criticism of Zionism with anti-Semitism, the scientific advisory panel creates a framework that sets up an inevitable condemnation of the lumbung, its structure, Palestinian artists and theirs works, and ultimately documenta fifteen as a whole. What kind of academic integrity purposely ignores history and facts in service of racist and hegemonic agendas?
The preliminary report equates critique of the current violent actions of the Israeli State with hatred. Consider the following inflammatory statement: “The anti-Israeli propaganda and its staged affirmation by the artists are likely to incite hatred against Israel and Jews.”5 It indicates that the writers of this report reduce artistic practice to propaganda—an exceedingly complex term the scientific panel fails to define. Their simplistic notion of “propaganda” enables a specious argument that critique of the State of Israel is an incitement of hatred of an entire people—this is a very serious accusation that shocks and hurts us.
We reject it categorically. We refuse the intentional political maneuver that aims at separating struggles and dividing them from each other—dividing us from each other. We stand together, unconditionally and without hesitation, with our Jewish comrades and communities that have been the most outspoken. They know, like we know, that we are all in this together. We know that no struggle can succeed alone, that when the hostility has been high—and the aggression too hard to bear—it is Jewish voices in Germany that have entered to embody and amplify the Palestinian voice. They know, like we know, that safety is something that we build together, that safety is something that cannot be granted by the state. The state is concerned with security, but security is not safety: safety can only be created in community with others.
The question is not the right of Israel to exist; the question is how it exists. Resistance to the State of Israel is resistance to settler colonialism, which uses apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and occupation, as forms of oppression. The report states that, “A comparatively large number of works deal with the Arab-Israeli conflict. Almost all of these works express a one-sided critical or even decidedly anti-Israeli attitude.”6 documenta fifteen is an exhibition which contains work by many artists who belong to wider grassroot movements that have struggled and are still struggling with colonial regimes. The Palestinian anti-colonial struggle emerges in many lumbung artists’ works because of the historical solidarities between these transnational anti-colonial struggles. The report tries to discredit this transnational solidarity by calling it a one-sided view of a (binary) conflict—reducing a historical and global complexity to caricature.
Despite its name’s evocation of “science,” the panel uses no clear methodology or set of definitions to make its assessment. Side-stepping the rigorous task of defining its terms, the panel repeatedly strings together “anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli”—effectively wiping out their vast differences in a metonymic blur. The scientific advisory panel’s conclusions about documenta fifteen’s supposed racism are predicated on this reckless conflation of terms. We refuse the simplistic, oppressive, pseudo-scientific approach of the Supervisory Board and the preliminary report’s lack of rigour. We understand this as a way of projecting onto and transposing German guilt and history into the Palestinian and other anti-colonial struggles. We recognise that in place of a meticulous methodology, the arguments use a lazy and vicious manipulation pitting those who critique oppression against each other, imposing false rifts between communities along the lines of identity. This is an obscuring tactic, instrumentalising one community against another. We refuse and condemn the selective use and weaponization of “science,” history and the other’s suffering.
We are determined, we are together, we are not giving up.
We do not give permission to be defined, inspected, re-colonised by yet another institution.
We refuse—and we act upon our refusal—in the same manners of the lumbung, we do it together, affirmatively and poetically. We assert that our lumbung continues while your Documenta ends; our solidarity continues while your superiority, arrogance and power games end. From now on, everywhere and for many years ahead, we will be practicing our withdrawal from documenta, and building on the lumbung.
We refuse the Supervisory Board and shareholders’ aggressive, unvetted and intentionally humiliating form of criticism and judgment. We refuse Eurocentric—and in this case specifically Germancentric—superiority, as a form of disciplining, managing and taming. We come here as equals. We come here in power, and we come here to put ourselves in the public domain, with nothing to hide or be ashamed of. We come here as nothing less than equals, who can humbly learn from each other, who can help each other, who care about each other, because we know that our interdependency is the only path toward a more just planetary future.
We have been working with many grassroots groups in Kassel. We have shared our struggles and fears. We have taken criticism where criticism was expressed, and we have delivered criticism where criticism was required; this made us all stronger and more resilient. This is how art creates meaning, how it moves, how it should and does work. Opening our vulnerabilities and struggles to the audiences and publics in Germany has been an act of trust in audiences that are engaged like us, vulnerable like us, struggling within their locality like us, asking for solidarity like us, and willing to be in solidarity, just like us. We have witnessed audiences engage and critique, spending time with the work and ideas presented at documenta fifteen. We have been asked difficult questions and enjoyed so many inspiring conversations.
The openness and the inclusivity of the lumbung is how we imagine our world to be. It is not a mere practice for documenta fifteen; it is a model we have been practicing before we gathered here and which we will continue to practice as a way to be in solidarity, a way to be inclusive, a way for thinking, sharing, documenting, a way to fight, a way for resilience.
this article was originally published on werefuseweareangry.wordpress and e-flux
1 It was announced on August 1:
2 Original text: …die gravierenden Probleme der documenta fifteen nicht nur in der Präsentation vereinzelter Werke mit antisemitischer Bildsprache und antisemitischen Aussagen bestehen, sondern auch in einem kuratorischen und organisationsstrukturellen Umfeld, das eine antizionistische, antisemitische und israelfeindliche Stimmung zugelassen hat.
3 Please read the previous statement by the lumbung community here:
4 For a critique of this contentious definition see this open letter published in The Guardian: Also, please note, that in the preliminary report itself there was no reference to the definition used. The IHRA defintion was named in today’s press release only.
5 Original Text: Die antiisraelische Propaganda und deren inszenierte Affirmation durch die Künstler:innen sind geeignet, Hass gegen Israel und Jüdinnen und Juden zu schüren.
6 Original Text: Vergleichsweise viele Werke beschäftigen sich mit dem arabisch-israelischen Konflikt. Nahezu in allen diesen Werken wird eine einseitig kritische bis hin zu dezidiert israelfeindliche Haltung zum Ausdruck gebracht.
Click on the tab “Public Signatories” if you wish to add your name to the signatories’ list
Lumbung Community Signatories
- Abdul Halik Azeez
- Abiye Okujagu
- Agus Nuramal
- Ahmed El-Faour
- Ahmed El-Jumaa
- Alice Yard
- Amol K Patil
- Amora C Bosco
- Andre Eugene (Atis Rezistans / Ghetto Biennale)
- Anna Sherbany / The Water Diviners
- Another Roadmap Africa Cluster (ARAC)
- Archives des luttes des femmes en Algérie
- Arts Collaboratory
- Asia Art Archive
- Baan Noorg Collaborative Arts and Culture
- Beat Raeber / Lumbung gallery
- Black Quantum Futurism
- Britto Arts Trust
- Can Yalcinkaya
- Carima Neusser (Atis Rezistans / Ghetto Biennale)
- Carlos Pérez Marín / LE 18
- Centre d’art Waza
- Chimurenga / Pan African Space Station
- Clara Astiasaran / INSTAR (Instito de Artivismo Hannah Arendt)
- Claudia Fontes / La Intermundial Holobiente
- Consonni
- Daniela Josefina & Camila Gonzalez (HAMBRE)
- Edouard Duval Carrié (Atis Rezistans / Ghetto Biennale)
- El Warcha
- Elisa Strinna / Jimmie Durham & A Stick in the Forest by the Side of the Road
- Erick Beltran
- Ernesto Oroza / INSTAR (Instito de Artivismo Hannah Arendt)
- Fehras Publishing Practices
- Francesca Masoero / LE 18
- Frederikke Hansen / documenta fifteen Artistic Team
- Gallery Eltiqa
- Gertrude Flentge / documenta fifteen Artistic Team
- Graziela Kunsch
- Gudskul
- Iain Chambers / Jimmie Durham & A Stick in the Forest by the side of the Road
- ikkibawiKrrr
- Issa Freij / The Water Diviners
- Jaroslava Tomanová
- Jatiwangi art Factory
- Joen Vedel / Jimmie Durham & A Stick in the Forest by the Side of the Road
- Jumana Emil Abboud / The Water Diviners
- Kasia Wlaszczyk
- Keleketla! Library
- Kiri Dalena
- Komîna Fîlm a Rojava
- Krishan Rajapakshe
- Laila Hida / LE 18
- Lara Khaldi / documenta fifteen Artistic Team
- Laura Heyman (Atis Rezistans / Ghetto Biennale)
- LE 18
- Leah Gordon (Atis Rezistans / Ghetto Biennale)
- Liam Morgan
- Liz Woodroffe (Atis Rezistans / Ghetto Biennale)
- Lydia Antoniou
- Maria Thereza Alves / Jimmie Durham & A Stick in the Forest by the Side of the Road
- Marianne Dautrey
- Marion Louisgrand Sylla / Kër Thiossane
- Marjin Kiri
- Markus Nornes
- Martin Heller / Lumbung gallery
- Marwa Arsanios
- Más Arte Más Acción
- Members of Sada (regroup)
- Nadir Bouhmouch / LE 18
- Nailé Sosa Aragón
- Nakasujja Harriet, Nabwana Isaac / Wakaliga Uganda (Ramon Film Productions)
- Nancy Naser Al Deen
- Nguyen Trinh Thi
- Nha San Collective
- Nicole Delgado / La Impresora
- Nino Bulling
- Noor Abed
- OFF-Biennale Budapest
- ook_reinaart vanhoe
- Party Office
- Paula Fleisner / La Intermundial Holobiente
- Paula Piedra / Arts Collaboratory
- Pedro Lasch (Atis Rezistans / Ghetto Biennale)
- Pınar Öğrenci
- Project Art Works
- Richard Bell
- Roberto N Peyre (Atis Rezistans / Ghetto Biennale)
- ruangrupa
- Sa Sa Art Projects
- Safdar Ahmed / Refugee Art Project
- Saodat Ismailova
- Sebastián Díaz Morales
- Serigrafistas queer
- Siwa plateforme / L’Economat at Redeyef
- Soumeya Ait Ahmed / LE18
- Sourabh Phadke
- Stefania Acevedo / Arts Collaboratory
- Subversive Film
- Tania Bruguera / INSTAR (Instito de Artivismo Hannah Arendt)
- Taring Padi
- The Black Archives
- The Nest Collective
- The Question of Funding
- Trampoline House
- Tyuki Imamura
- yasmine eid-sabbagh
- Yasmine Haj / The Water Diviners
Yemisi Babatola - Zeina Iaali / Refugee Art Project
- ZKU (Center for Arts and Urbanistics)
- Christoph Balzar
- Milia Ayache
- Jake Davidson
- Bill Dietz
- Katz Tepper
- Maryam Monalisa Gharavi
- donia jourabchi
- Putra Hidayatullah
- Allan Zink
- Brussels Brecht-Eisler Choir
- Aude Christel Mgba
- Juan Arturo García
- Chiara Trivelli
- Margaux Dauby
- Billie Söntgen
- Ad van Rosmalen
- Sruti Bala
- Sophie Haluk
- Afsaneh Salari
- Hong-Kai Wang
- Elodie Mugrefya
- Helena Cermeño
- Joachim Naudts
- Brian Droitcour
- Rein van Gisteren
- Sheree Domingo
- The Wonder Cabinet, Bethlehem
- Eva Wilson
- Raffael Tobias Streicher
- Tom Viaene
- Arun Kundnani
- Haegue Yang
- Peter Westenberg
- Hussein Shikha
- Collectif Faire-part
- Alina Achenbach
- Ichraf Nasri
- Franssen Lieve
- Alf Schreiber
- Michael Rothberg
- Risk Hazekamp
- Dana Kopel
- Ruth Razan Loos
- Anna Muchin
- Cinta Hondsmerk
- Michelle Coffey
- Lisa Pfort
- Egbert Aerts
- Nasrin Himada
- Nancy du Plessis
- Janna Aldaraji
- Ahmed AbdulMageed
- Selim Ozadar
- Elli Vassalou
- Loraine Furter
- Danielle van Zuijlen
- Phoenix Atala
- Taariq Ali Sheik
- Francisca Khamis
- Sirah Foighel Brutmann
- Hanna Mittelstaedt
- Philippine Hoegen
- Robin Vanbesien
- Annelys de Vet
- Elies Vaer
- Tiffany Malakooti
- Petra Van Brabandt
- Ann Weckx
- Veerle Melis
- Dries Segers
- Lamoline
- Sen Reyes
- Limon
- Rui Ferreira
- Samah Hijawi
- Toshie Takeuchi
- Sandy Hsiu-chih Lo
- Gabriele Martin
- Pakchira Chartpanyawut
- Lazy Rosario
- Bojana Cvejic
- Alia Nofal
- Phoebe Blatton
- Bani Abidi
- Rox Martins
- Kate Strain
- Paulo Raposo
- Vogel
- Quarc Berlin
- Madeline Lutjeharms
- Ahilan Ratnamohan
- Fatina Uzdenova
- Nicoline Sylvest Simonsen
- Sophia Deeg
- Mariana Botey
- Mira Mattar
- Arnar Ásgeirsson
- Kata Tikka
- Rob Ritzen
- Pennie Key
- Dselys Lore
- Nicholas Korody
- Josiane Olff-Nathan
- Yasmine Benabdallah
- Nathan Fain
- Werapol Bejranonda
- Boulomsouk Svadphaiphane
- Philip Cartelli
- Andrew J. Smyth
- Krittaporn Mahaweerarat
- Katarzyna Wojtczak
- Begüm Erciyas
- Herman De Ley
- Stefano Harney
- Jiradej Meemalai
- Pornpilai Meemalai
- David Démétrius
- felis dos
- Maria del Castillo
- Nathan Fain
- Amr Hatem
- Bella Cuts
- Sophie Feyder
- Hashmy
- Bill Dietz
- Monica Fierlafijn Annys
- Laila Abdul-Hadi Jadallah
- Guenter Schenk
- Bongore
- William Hewett
- Wietske Maas
- Abdul Dube
- Sana Al Kurdi
- obolo pascale
- Ewa Tatar
- De Souza
- Letitia Lin
- Hoda Siahtiri
- Khalid Albaih
- Carna Brkovic
- Silvrants-Barclay
- Carolina Canazaro
- Nadia Fadil
- Catherine Lucas
- Shayma Nader
- Léopold Lambert
- Munsya Sorana
- Rachida Lamrabet
- Syma Tariq
- Charbel Alkhoury
- Claire VERLET
- Rahel Aima
- Mai Judeh
- Nadine Sayegh
- Hamedine Kane
- Peter Spillmann
- Mario El Khouri
- Ginevra Shay
- Affolter Simon
- Fazal Rizvi
- Viola Thimm
- Sandy chamoun
- Irmak Karasu
- Rahul Gudipudi
- Ilaria Conti
- Jason Waite
- Holen Sabrina Kahn
- Roh Meo
- Cristina Escobar
- Alon Schwabe and Daniel Fernández Pascual
- Ming Tiampo
- Jessika Khazrik
- Emma Lo
- Meena Nanji
- Rattanamol Singh Johal
- Guy Mannes-Abbott
- Cindy Hwang
- Katarzyna Sloboda
- Bisan Abu Eisheh
- Angela Anderson
- Nidhal Chamekh
- Emmy Catedral
- sinaida michalskaja
- Dalia Neis
- Maria Arzt
- Alisha Heinemann
- Salvina Rago
- Rodolfo Figari
- Barbara Rousseaux
- Sabine Hess
- Samuel Hertz
- Daniela Medina Poch
- Caitlin Berrigan
- Natasha Ginwala
- Hana Janečková
- Sena Karahan
- Esther Poppe
- Anita Block
- Carsten Eisfeld
- Andrei Siclodi
- Emanuele Braga
- Laura Dubourjal
- Alejandro Navarrete
- Maya Guttmann
- Sandra Blaauw
- Intze Blaauw
- Doina Petrescu
- Sonja Hornung
- Yane Calovski
- Laure Catugier
- Mohammad Shawky Hassan
- Zbyněk Baladrán
- Dimitry Vilensky
- Abina Manning
- Rasmus Holm
- Marina Vishmidt
- Ros Del Olmo
- Ricardo Antón Troyas
- Leire Vergara
- laurie robins
- Naufal Nabighah
- Hayley Sophia Coghlan
- Alex Reynolds
- Guendalina Salini
- Sikhumbuzo Makandula
- Denise Ferreira da Silva
- Tamara Osso
- Ed Hichens-Bergström
- Vangelis Vlahos
- Ingo Wandelt
- Maryam Faghihi
- Danny Hayward
- Mariana Lanari
- Óscar Muñoz
- Adi Liraz
- Alessandra Saviotti
- Su-Ying Lee
- Claudia Pagès Rabal
- Shane Cullen
- Kuon Barbara
- Nina Tabassomi
- Marcel Dickhage
- Cathleen Schuster
- Nagham A Assaf
- Aukje Lepoutre Ravn
- Robert Wittendorp
- Julie Pfleiderer
- Amin Husain
- Maryam Faghihi
- Steffie de Gaetano
- Luca lenzini
- Sebastian Winkels
- Lisabona Rahman
- Erica de Greef
- Cristina Emmel
- Maren Siebert
- Katharina Stadler
- Jun Saturay
- Elisa Medde
- Camila Paixão
- Maren Richter
- Jenny Boom
- Radio Alhara
- Stange, Raimar
- Grant Watson
- Clara Balaguer
- Yamo Aydemir
- Karam Ghossein
- Carme Nogueira
- Jonas Staal
- Framer Framed
- Durovec
- Onur Cimen
- Hildegard De Vuyst
- Libia Castro
- Ton Kruse
- Edel Bode
- Pauline Boudry
- Dieter Lesage
- Ina Wudtke
- Peter Ott
- Chahrazad Zahi
- Nikos Doulos
- Macía Dávila María
- Liz Rosenfeld
- Philip Rizk
- Line Skywalker Karlström
- Leonhard Bartolomeus
- Alaa Mansour
- Constance Vos
- Sarah Zeryab
- Melani Budianta
- Maria Hlavajova
- Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz
- Yuyu Elmi
- Angela Jansen
- Lucas Odahara
- Niloufar Tajeri
- Emily Shin-Jie Lee
- Raed Andoni
- Tessa Mars
- Jol Thoms
- Antonia Alampi
- Niccolò Masini
- Mattin
- Rami El Nihawi
- Ana Teixeira Pinto
- Catherine Facerias
- Bárbara WAGNER & Benjamin DE BURCA
- Gavin Everall
- Gabe Beckhurst Feijoo
- Mineo Mitsui
- Masao Adachi
- Hassan Vawda
- Ken Jones
- Farhana Sheikh
- Hicham Khalidi
- Mariana Castillo Deball
- Chiara Cartuccia
- Electra Karatza
- Michelle Khazaryan
- Hypatia Vourloumis
- Frank Barat
- Mahdi Fleifel
- Savvas Gerolemidis
- DAta Miners Travailleuse Psychique
- Rossella Bonito Oliva
- Refilwe Nkomo
- Zylstra
- Nina Folkersma
- Alice Creischer
- Zuzana Ernst
- Ton Kruse
- Carlo Spiga
- Associazione Cherimus
- Shih-Hsiang,Tsai
- Elisabeth Lebovici
- Liryc Dela Cruz
- Santiago Quintero
- Jacob Lund
- Clarissa Thieme
- Matthias Hofmann
- Merv Espina
- Clarissa Thieme
- Paloma Polo
- L. San Gregorio
- Iulia Aionesi
- Madeleine Amsler
- Tony Colley
- Imelda T Mandala
- Ligaya Salazar
- Philippa Driest
- Eman Haram
- Marika Vandekraats
- Shirana Shahbazi
- Alessandra Fredianelli
- Inge Buus
- Oleaga Gascue
- Maddalena Fragnito
- Teresa Borasino
- Yu-Ching Huang
- Asia-Art-Activism
- Asia Forum
- Annie Jael Kwan
- Giuseppina Ciccone
- Ezra Simek
- Annelies van Ginkel
- Kleopatra Vorria
- Anneke Ingwersen
- Susanne Sachsse
- Yu-Sheng Lin
- line kramer
- Riad Salameh
- Adriana A. Leanza
- Dylan Spencer-Davidson
- Isabel de Sena
- Adrian Schindler
- Julian Curico
- Zoénie Deng
- Simone Inguanez
- Nora Razian
- Kate Adams
- Josje ter Haar
- Erdmann Kutterer
- Anisha Gupta Müller
- Sílvia Bianchi
- Carmel Alabbasi
- Robert Kriger
- Patricia Falguières
- Fred Moten
- Doreen Mende
- Avi Mograbi
- Mahdi Sabbagh
- Emelie Chhangur
- Marcello Sannino
- Nick Axel
- René Landspersky
- Avital Barak
- Frederic Van de Velde
- Mason Leaver-Yap
- Rossella Biscotti
- Aishanatasha Adisasmita
- Hubert Gromny
- Yuchen Li
- Chiara Pagano
- Matt Evans
- Adam Bobbette
- Daniel Lie
- Joao Polido
- Xerxes Cook
- Elisabeth Lebovici
- Maoyi Qiu
- Nicholas Mirzoeff
- Iramamama
- Emiliana Sabiu
- Paolo Mazzo
- Mia van den Bos
- leif magne tangen (lmt)
- Lennaart van Oldenborgh
- Rasha Salti
- Derek Di Fabio
- Roel van Herpt
- Ferdiansyah Thajib
- Salma Said
- Nina Martin
- Louna Sbou
- Adinda Simandjuntak
- Michael Riordon
- John Smith
- Helga Tawil-Souri
- Leon Filter
- Dina Matar
- YuenMing
- Lisette Smits
- Adam Bainbridge
- Simon Sheikh
- Miranda Pennell
- Gruppo VIRUS
- Charly Wilder
- Sophie Perl
- Constanze Ruhm
- Jurema Mombaça
- Guido Piccoli
- Omar Al-Qattan
- Lello Becchimanzi
- Banu Cennetoğlu
- Meera Shakti Osborne
- Markus Nornes
- Abdulwahab AL Zu’aby
- Loredana Antonelli
- Mujahid Gazzawy
- Mohini Gupte
- Lenka Vráblíková
- Omar Adel
- Lara saab
- Joanna Rajkowska
- Davide
- Hanan Toukan
- Samara Ragaven
- Mauro Zammataro
- Nyssa Levings
- Rahila Haque
- Ashwani Sharma
- Cecilia Andersson
- Mirella La Magna
- Martina PIgnataro
- Vittoria Pasca Raymondi
- Hannes Klug
- Patrizio Esposito
- Emilie Gallier
- Nur Shkembi
- Timo Wilmesmeier
- Jo Higgins
- Christina Li
- Marco Ferrari
- Lucia Méndez Falcón
- Charles Esche
- Bilge Emir
- Margarita Tsomou
- Sandra terdjman
- Abdulkerim Pusat
- Raphael Daibert
- Maximiliaan Royakkers
- Hera Chan
- Hussein Farran
- Tinne Zenner
- Dineke Koerts
- Andrea Chiara Bauco
- Marian Rosa van Bodegraven
- Cam-Anh Luong
- Ola Hassanain
- Monica Basbous
- Hamelijnck/Terpsma
- Rossella Biscotti
- Azar Mahmoudian
- James Clegg
- Aziza Harmel
- Ghassan Salameh
- Lyn Abdul Hameed
- Hans D. Christ
- Yuyu Elmi
- Natasha Gasparian
- Şirin Fulya Erensoy
- Laura Cugusi
- Sabine Saba
- Lies Musch
- Hilda Moucharrafieh
- Eyad Houssami
- Kristijan Jerkovic
- Ayesha Hameed
- Maike Storf
- Jasmina Metwaly
- Ali Kazimi
- Françoise Vergès
- Mariam Mekiwi
- Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide)
- Damir Avdagic
- Oraib Toukan
- Tirdad Zolghadr
- Sahand Heshmati Afshar
- Sidsel Nelund
- Pujita Guha/ The Forest Curriculum
- Helle Siljeholm
- b.h. Yael
- John Greyson
- Richard Fung
- Laura U. Marks
- Freek Lomme
- Anggun Priambodo
- Fikaris
- Dean Daderko
- Alexis Kyle Mitchell
- Elsa Auerbach
- Eshan Rafi
- Margarida Mendes
- Sidsel Nelund
- Iit Sukmiati
- Louis S Hill
- Katia Krupennikova
- Maria Dada
- Lorenzo Sandoval
- Lydia Mardirian
- Esther Poppe
- Wendelien van Oldenborgh
- Esther Poppe
- Ahmad Alhoe
- Adrian Lahoud
- Aria Farajnezhad
- Gabriëlle Schleijpen
- Tarek El-Sourani
- Bruno Zhu
- Maya Mikdashi
- Marwan Kaabour
- Sindi-Leigh McBride
- Luu Bich Ngoc
- Orange Zhao
- Emilie Randoe
- Jerry Remkes
- Nadim Choufi
- Larissa Araz
- Yaser Safi
- Eitan Efrat
- Edwin Nasr
- Bahar Noorizadeh
- Adeena Mey
- Aditya Alfarizi
- Jowe Harfouche
- Andrea Salazar
- Joseph Steele
- Vlaar
- Megan Hoetger
- Noor Blaas
- Dina Mimi
- Carin Kuoni
- Ali Yass
- Marko Gutić Mižimakov
- Ander Lezamiz Antsoritz
- Athena Athanasiou
- Joud Al-Tamimi
- Monika Dorniak
- Denise Araouzou
- Dror Dayan
- Jenny Mbaye
- Eyal Vexler
- Paoletta Holst
- Setareh Shahbazi
- Bassem Saad
- Omar Berrada
- Lawrence abu hamdan
- Giampaolo Bianconi
- Marnie Briggs
- Zuhour Mahmoud
- Majdal Nateel
- Nida Ghouse
- Sholem Krishtalka
- Giorgia Lo Faso
- Tina Camilleri
- Elizabeth Graham
- Louis Henderson
- Annette Krauss
- Valerio Del Baglivo
- Adam HajYahia
- Valentina Desideri
- Sara Benaglia
- Safa Al-Ameedee
- Jonah
- Carola Spadoni
- Lena Holzer
- Eva Ďurovec
- Galih Rake
- Bonit
- Abi Rama
- Ingo Mittelstaedt
- Hefets Iris
- Andrea Stultiens
- Sydelle Willow Smith
- Ana Pollnow
- Anne Szefer Karlsen
- Pieter Paul Pothoven
- Francesca Della Ventura
- Angelica Falkeling
- Ali Fawaz
- Mack McFarland
- Valeria Graziano
- Basma al-Sharif
- Françoise Bartels
- Anita Purniawati
- Raymond Gemayel
- Erwin Windu Pranata
- Bram Goots
- Katrin Anika Ströbel
- Chow Yiu Fai
- Florian Fricke
- Qais Assali
- Teguh Safarizal
- Alejandro Martín Maldonado
- Ayebatonye Abrakasa
- Yahya Dwi Kurniawan
- Jad Saliba
- Yasmina Reggad
- Victor Albarracin Llanos
- Meicy Sitorus
- Gregory Castera
- Valentina Lapolla
- Marie-Nour Hechaime
- Prof. Maike Mia Höhne
- Tiziana Terranova
- Vika Kirchenbauer
- Haytham el-Wardany
- Dib Louise
- Patricia Reed
- Sara Greavu
- Frederik Sørensen
- Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes
- Alex Piasente-Szymański
- Jumana Manna
- Reem Shadid
- Navid Nail
- Deborah A. Thomas
- Baris Dogrusoz
- Ben Hjorth
- ilifm
- Jeroen de Kloet
- Philippe Pirotte
- Itamar Shachar
- Mohamed Abusal
- Rohit
- Al-Halabi
- Simnikiwe Buhlungu
- Stef Schmid
- Shehzil Malik
- Platohedro
- lerato khathi
- Irina Botea Bucan
- L.Franklin Gilliam
- Aria Spinelli
- Eva Susova
- Mercedes Azpilicueta
- Bernardo Núñez Magdaleno
- Maaike Bouwman
- Lidy Norder
- Daria Demia
- Anna Dasovic
- Ann Stoler
- Karlijn de Blécourt
- Eva Fàbregas
- Karolina Grzywnowicz
- Natasha Marie Llorens
- Deni Pancatriatna
- Teesa Bahana
- Marieta Guzman
- Anna Younes
- Adam Broomberg
- Emma J Williams
- Varsha Nair
- Laura Burocco
- Ninon Liotet
- Kazuhiko Yoshizaki
- Lauren von Gogh
- Caravane Tighmert
- Pary El-Qalqili
- Clara Laila Abid Alsstar
- Flentge
- Yasamin Ghalehnoie
- Mary Jirmanus Saba
- Siri Austeen
- Wiktor Marcinkowski
- Behshad Tajammol
- Madeleen de Bruijn
- Femke van Casteren
- Frans Flentge
- Yu Lan van Alphen
- Lisa Spilliaert
- Sarah Khalid Dhobhany
- Stroep Vincent
- Gudrun Ingratubun
- Michiel Bot
- Kaiza
- Nikhil Vettukattil
- John Byrne
- Jade Abbott
- Mehraneh Atashi
- karl essayan
- iLiana Fokianaki
- Vidha Saumya
- Georgia Boe
- Sasha Dees
- Marijn Degenaar
- Uriel Orlow
- Kaïs Aïouch
- Valérie Schuit
- tenthaus
- Lina Ramadan
- mechu rapela
- Diego Gutierrez Valladares
- Miream Salameh
- Talya Lubinsky
- Moch Hasrul
- Helen Eriksen
- Nizan Shaked
- Wieland Hoban
- Liesel Burisch
- Bubu Mosiashvili
- Marianna Peruzzo
- Sabel Gavaldon
- Laurent Van Lancker
- Wouter van Zanten
- Eris
- Arash Qilich
- Anna Ehrenstein
- Benji Boyadgian
- Natascha Sadr Haghighian
- Tabarak Abdel Latif
- Greer Valley
- Ndi Gwaar Nya’a
- Janna Graham
- Gerome Soriano
- Nat Muller
- Stefanie Baumann
- Raphaël Grisey
- Layal Ftouni
- Merel Oord
- Geerte Wachter
- Sepp Eckenhaussen
- Yi Zhen Kueh
- Jack Segbars
- Kieu-Anh Nguyen
- Dinh Thao Linh
- Tamara Kho Mariakasih
- Marian Abboud
- Corinne Votteler
- Marishka Soekarna
- Akira Yoshikawa
- Agung Firmanto Budiharto
- Jael van den Berg
- Maissa Alameddine
- Alexis Zavialoff
- kevin A
- Giulia Grechi
- Greta Muscat Azzopardi
- Albertus Pramodya
- Indra Wijaya
- Sara Giannini
- Abhinit Khanna
- Erick Fowler
- Yiou Penelope Peng
- Elham Rahmati
- Lucas Pretti
- Laura Kloeckner
- Ayliz Tosun
- Ioana Țurcan
- Kristina Borg
- Hoora Sarajan
- Iliada Charalambous
- Aditi Somani
- Falke Pisano
- Marc Siegel
- Odinaka Okolo
- Kenda Zaour
- Naomi Segal
- Eden Asfaha
- Palestine Film Institute
- Catalina Imizcoz
- Michelle Eistrup
- Pelonomi Moiloa
- Yasmine Baba Gab
- Sebes, Charlotte
- Abhishek Nilamber
- antoni sotzu
- Liad Hussein Kantorowicz
- Saeedeh Asadipour
- Gilang Pramudhita
- Sojin kwak
- Salma Abu Ayyash
- Yara Yuri Safadi
- Mustafa Emin Büyükcoşkun
- Lisa Radford
- Denisse Vega de Santiago
- Ibrahim Abusitta
- Shahmen Suku
- Megan Auður
- Simon Kentgens
- Marsya Maharani
- João Pedro Amorim
- Amanda Assaley
- Marcela Caldas
- Giulia Achilli
- Agnisa Wisesa
- Laëtitia Badaut Haussmann
- Bill Martin
- Gerard Ortin Castellvi
- Chiara De Cesari
- Joachim H. Ben Yakoub
- Néstor Garcia Díaz
- Irene de Craen
- Anne-Marie Melster
- Gabriella Riccio
- David Muñoz-Alcantara
- Omar Jabary Salamanca
- Mohammad Abu Hajar
- Sana Rizvi
- Carine Zaayman
- Salwa Aleryani
- Candice Breitz
- Zulfikar Filandra
- Sally Mizrachi
- Diana Cantarey
- Stoffel Debuysere
- Tropical Tap Water
- Biquini Wax
- Daniel Aguilar Ruvalcaba
- Sami Khatib
- Giovanna Esposito Yussif
- Marina Witt
- Abraham Meeuwsen
- Rigole Jasper
- Elliot Josephine Leila Reichert
- Ryan Saunders
- Hanna Smitmans
- Andrea Elera
- Schmidt
- Dhissou Roo
- Anike Joyce Sadiq
- Anna F
- Penny Travlou
- Krista Jantowski
- Femke Dekker
- paola pietronave
- Sophia Liu
- Elise Terranova
- Fabiola Hanna (The New School, NY)
- Bell
- Karim Eid-Sabbagh
- Kris Dittel
- Sam De Graeve
- Just Quist
- Dominique Hurth
- Post-Museum
- Kate Ten Buuren
- Petra Matić
- Tamara Levitz
- Mariana Barbosa Barreto
- Martin Hawk
- Elien Rons
- Jesse James
- Jeannine Paz
- jennifer chert
- Adi Helmi
- Raquel Schwartz
- Myvillages Rural School of Economics
- Wapke Feenstra
- Theo Prodromidis
- Ana Devic
- Dana Abbas
- Arthur Herdt
- Hajra Waheed
- Maarten Schuurman
- R Stein Wexler
- Thea Oda Barslund
- Roxanne Mackie
- Casey Asprooth-Jackson
- Suneela Mubayi
- Martin Swan
- Jona Wentzler
- Centre Soleil d’Afrique
- Fadi AbuNe’meh
- Lola Malavasi
- Hama GORO Artscollaboratory
- Tian Zhang / Pari
- Rahmat Arham